An Experiment

"An Experiment" is a possible title in many ways. However, this time it would be interesting to think about   the title as temporary... Ready for a small, creative challenge..? Do you want to decide the title for this photograph..? In any case, what do you think this character is feeling..? Why is he or she placed in this particular environment..? Your associations may lead to a keyword or two, perhaps a title... 

(Picturing one of our visitors:) "'The Silent Sound of Brainstorming'... Perhaps..!" (Someone else:) "'Time for a Nap in the Woods!' Hell Yeah!" Any title you feel matches the photograph is ok!

You can also pick a suggestion here. For example "Getting Inspired"..; "Serenity"..; "My Own Space"..; "A Contrasting Moment"..; "A Human Map in a Wooden Topography"..; "Human Globe in  Wooden Space"..; "Relaxing"..; "Global Experiment"..; "Light of Dawn"..; "Healing Thoughts"..; "Healing Moment in a Norwegian Context"..; "Part of the Solution"..; "Global versus Local"..; "Creative in Privacy"..; "Peace of Mind"..; "The Essence"..; "Take Care of Yourself"..; "Time for Myself"..; "Revelation"..; "These Tranquil Moments"..; "Time to Relax"...